Green Valley News wins awards for excellence in advertising


MARIO AGUILAR | Green Valley News
The advertising, production and marketing departments at the Green Valley News & Sun collaborate to win General Excellence and four other first-place awards from the Arizona Newspapers Association. Members of the newspaper’s team include Production Manager Graham Harrington (kneeling), and, from left, Special Products Manager Kelly Walter, designer Eric Tobias, designer Brittany Hebert, designer Sarah Keith, designer Justin St. John, advertising representative Iris Pasos, advertising representative Michelle Forehand, advertising representative Mari Bon, Advertising and Marketing Manager Mark Bollin and designer Terry Motycka.
By Derek Jordan
Green Valley News

The Green Valley News won first place for General Excellence in Advertising in the Arizona Newspapers Association annual contest. Pam Mox, publisher of the newspaper since 2003, accepted the award in Scottsdale in May.

“We’ve worked really hard in improving all aspects of the appearance and content of our paper,” Mox said. “I’m very proud of the advertising and production staff for winning this award.”

The News has received first place for General Excellence at least one other time since she has been publisher, Mox said. The Excellence in Advertising competition is an annual contest that recognizes the work of ad designers, production personnel and sales representatives throughout the state.

The entries for this year’s competition were judged by journalists from the advertising departments of newspapers in Kentucky. Along with the General Excellence award, the News won nine other awards, including first place in four categories:

  • Best Black and White Ad — Brittany Hebert, Michelle Forehand.
  • Best Paid Advertisement (Black and White) — Justin St. John and Brian Murphy.
  • Most Effective use of Small Space — Graham Harrington and Forehand.
  • Best Classified Section.

All awards are broken down into divisions
by the size of circulation. The News won in the
division for non-daily newspapers with a circu-
lation of more than 10,000.

According to the ANA Web site, each award won by a newspaper is worth various points. The Arizona Newspapers Association adds the points awarded from two contests, the Excellence in Advertising competition and the Better Newspapers contest, to determine the daily and non-daily winners for “Newspaper of the Year.” The Better Newspapers contest winners, based on a newspaper’s editorial content, will be announced in October.

3 staffers win state awards
Green Valley News
was the only non-daily newspaper to win awards Saturday at the annual Arizona Associated Press Managing Editors meeting.

Editor James Bennett, page designer Brittany Hebert and photographer Mario Aguilar were awarded prizes in the non-Metro division of the contest. Bennett won second place for editorial writing for a series of commentaries for the newspaper in 2007. He and Hebert won second place for page design and hon-orable mention for public service after editing and designing the special section “Changing Times in Arizona Mines.” Bennett also won third place for public service for commentaries on the proposed U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint south of Green Valley. Aguilar, who was named Arizona photographer of the year last year by the Arizona Newspapers Association, won a honorable mention in the APME contest for feature photography.

“The Green Valley News is committed to providing a strong community newspaper,” Publisher Pam Mox said. “Editorials, commentaries and public service are important components in ensuring the newspaper is taking a stand and facilitating local debate.”

The Green Valley News is published three days a week —Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. The company also publishes the weekly Sahuarita Sun and Santa Cruz Valley Sun.


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