DNC - Delegate from the Half Moon Bay area to canvas in Nevada

Special to the HMBR by Cornelia Wick

         DENVER—The delegate from the Half Moon Bay area attending the Democratic National Convention this week in Denver not only is excited about the historic convention, but she and others from the Bay Area soon will be applying their advocacy skills in Nevada.
April Vargas, the delegate for the congressional district 12 along with Mark Brickman of San Mateo and Susan Pfeifer of South San Francisco, praised the energy, excitement and impeccable organization of the Obama campaign.
“This is unlike anything I have ever seen in my life!”  Vargas said.
         Ms. Vargas attributes the success of the Barack Obama campaign to a great organization. Vargas first became interested in Obama in March, 2007, when she attended a training meeting called “Camp Obama.”  The training, created by Dr. Marshal Ganz in the School of Government at Harvard University, is based on creating personal relationships with potential voters and volunteers.
There is a mathematical element to the strategy that one needs to get a certain number of votes, she said. This is accomplished through phone banks, field operations and volunteers who may go door to door.
         The Democrats in Congressional District 12 have officially adopted northern Nevada to campaign, train and organize the Obama vote in rural Nevada and the Reno area.
“We need up to 200 volunteers who are interested in helping us campaign in Nevada. This includes trips to Nevada to train volunteers, create phone banks and organize more ‘Camp Obama” seminars,” Vargas said.
         There is another ‘Camp Obama’ training seminar September 6th-7th in South San Francisco. There are spots for 200 people. Those interested may call April directly at 650-728-5215 or go to www.my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gpg29  for more information.
        “We want to convert the strong support that we have on the coast into direct support and understanding in Nevada.” Said Vargas
         Vargas likes the decision to choose Senator Joe Biden of Delaware as his vice presidential running mate. Biden’s 36 years of experience on Capitol Hill will help Obama be a better President, Vargas said.
“They have great chemistry together and come from working-class backgrounds,” she said.  “They want to give a voice to the working class people of America.


DNC - LA. State Representative, Gary L. Smith, attends Democratic convention


DNC - G.K. Butterworth of North Carolina’s first congressional district in Denver