New Roof Being Installed at Roanoke Rapids
The Daily Herald in Roanoke Rapids, N.C. is having a new roof installed on its main building. The old roof had been patched at various times but there were still several areas with severe leakage. Mills Roofing of Spotsylvania, VA is installing a Duro-Last rubberized membrane roof system which will have a 15 year guarantee. The newspaper’s classified, advertising, business and administration offices are located in the main building. The work is expected to be completed by around May 15.
Old Roof Being Torn Out
New Drive Through Service Island at Roanoke Rapids
The Daily Herald has installed a drive through island in front of its building. The island features a single copy rack for Sunday and another for the daily. Now motorists can drive directly off the street and past the service island to buy a paper without having to worry about parking. A drop box will be installed next to the racks by mid-May so people can also drop off payments, milestones announcements, letters to the editor or contest entries.
New Drive Thru Service Island
Roanoke Rapids Revamps Green Space
The Daily Herald recently did some new landscaping to the small green space located next to its building. The area had not been redone for several years. A few old trees and plants were taken out along with the deteriorating park bench. New much and pine straw was added along with a new park bench and stepping stones. To complete the look the old rusted cyclone fence was removed and a new black garden fence was added.
Revamped Green Space