Argus Observer employees support fundraiser for former employee

Devin Croghan

The Argus Observer employees took it upon themselves and turned out to help a former employee raise funds for her child with a rare genetic disorder.

Rebecca Grimaldo was an employee in The Argus Observers mail room, but had to resign from her position to care for her 2-year-old son, Devin Croghan.

Croghan was diagnosed with a disease known as tuberous sclerosis, which causes tubers, or non-cancerous tumor-like growths of cells that clump together before birth and did not expand as normal. The tubers have grown in Croghans brain, heart and eyes.

The Grimaldo family held a taco feed fundraiser July 23 at the Eagles Lounge in Nyssa, OR. Employees from The Argus Observer made the trek to Nyssa to support Grimaldo and her family.


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