Taylor starts as Herald/Review circulation manager

Ray Taylor
  Ray Taylor named new Herald/Review circulation manager

By Herald/Review Staff SIERRA VISTA — Ray Taylor, 53, has started duties as the circulation manager at the Sierra Vista Herald/Bisbee Daily Review.

Taylor has moved from Sarasota, Fla., after 17 years working as the single copy distribution manager for the New York Times-owned Sarasota (Fla.) Herald-Tribune.

A native of Virginia Beach, Va., Taylor has celebrated 31 years of marriage to Elaine and the couple have two grown children, Heather and Joe. The Taylors also are the legal gaurdians of their 4-year-old granddaughter, Madison.

"Right now, I'm still learning the town," Ray said. "I'm very happy to start this opportunity and glad to be part of Wick Communications."

Taylor said he researched companies before deciding to seek the Herald/Review position.

"Wick (the Herald's corporate owners) has a good reputation in the industry as a solid company.

They own more than just one newspaper and that kind of stability is what I was looking for," Taylor said.

Herald/Review Publisher Phil Vega said he is looking forward to working with Taylor.

"With Ray's experience, expertise and hard work he should help our readership grow," Vega said. "I'm happy to see him become part of our management team and a part of this community."

After interviewing at several newspapers, Taylor said he decided to pursue the position in Sierra Vista after talking with Vega and Wick Communications Circulation Director Jeff Scott.

"It's a team feeling here and that's something unique in this business. It's not like you're alone, everyone here sees the operation as something we work together on as a team," Taylor said.

Ray has already started working directly with his carriers and delivery managers. He's pulled the midnight shift at the Hager Building, where the Herald/Review is printed, in his first week to get acquainted with delivery personnel and employees.

"I think it's important to have hands-on experience with the people I'm working with," Taylor said.

Ray is living on his own for the immediate future and is looking forward to Elaine moving to Sierra Vista in the near future. His son, Joe, just finished service as a member of the elite Green Beret military corps and has enrolled at Colorado State University in Colorado Springs, Colo.

Heather will be moving to the Chandler, Ariz., area in the near future.


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