The Daily Herald launches SWOT initiative

Employees at The Daily Herald sign-up to participate on one of 4 SWOT Task Forces. Pictured left to right are Roger
Bell, reporter; Rhonda Irby, advertising account exec; Julie Brewer, classified ad-visor; Tia Bedwell, news design
editor; Jacqueline Hough, reporter and Kris Smith, news editor.

The Daily Herald in Roanoke Rapids, NC recently began a SWOT Analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and the goal of the project is to target and later act upon specific areas that will “make the company better.”
Account Receivable Clerk, Sherry Agee, championed several meetings with employees from various departments during early July to provide input on the company’s SWOT.

In 2 half-day sessions on July 18 and 19, 12 managers and non-managers continued the SWOT exercise led by David Lewis, Wick group manager. A better understanding of The Daily Herald’s situation was revealed during the process. Numerous ideas that could potentially make the company better were discussed and the group finally selected four ideas that range in complexity, time, study, expense and effort to fulfill. Here are the four selected outcomes…

1 FOR THE MONEY: NICHE PUBLICATIONS (Champion: Stephen Hemelt)
Goal Statement: Analyze existing niche products and resources by Sept. 1, 2011, enhancing one of them by Nov. 1, 2011 and launching a new niche publication by Jan. 1, 2012.

Goal Statement: Reach 10,000 paid subscribers to The Daily Herald through innovative partnerships and focused circulation sales by Jan. 1, 2013.

3 TO GET READY: IT/TECHNOLOGY (Champion: Linda Foster)
Goal Statement: Review existing technology/equipment by Nov. 1, 2011. Provide strict maintenance and knowledge of technology/equipment in order to continue moving forward with our products.

FOUR TO GO: COMMUNICATION (Champion: Linda Smith)
Goal Statement: Improve internal employee communications with ongoing input from task force and management. Create regular newsletter to be distributed by email/posted on bulletin board by Oct. 1, 2011.

The newspaper is currently continuing the project by inviting members of the staff to volunteer to serve on one of the four task forces. Posters for each of the task forces were created and are displayed throughout the building to help remind everyone of the project.

Each of the four task forces is expected to have its initial meeting by August 19.


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