Watson named Courier advertising director

Monica Watson

Monica Watson

Operations Manager Monica Watson has been promoted to advertising director of the Eastern Arizona Courier, the Copper Era and www.eacourier.com.

Watson has worked at the Courier 17 years and is a lifetime resident of the Gila Valley. She was born in Morenci, was raised in Thatcher and graduated from Thatcher High School. She has been married for 15 years and she and husband Craig have five children and two grandchildren.

Watson has worked in every department at the Courier. She started her career in the classified ad department, has typed public notices and editorial content, managed the production and circulation departments, worked in the business office and photo darkroom, and has written business stories. She was instrumental in moving the Courier to the digital age and helped bring the newspaper from its cut and paste days to the layout of pages and advertisements on computer programs. She has an associate’s degree in bookkeeping and accounting and has expanded her education by taking IT and digital photography classes.

Watson said she is excited to be working with the advertising department. “I want to show the Gila Valley the effectiveness of Courier newspaper and website advertising. The Courier and Copper Era enter 70 percent of the homes in Graham and Greenlee counties. All ads are uploaded to the Courier’s Website, which in June had 117,842 unique visitors and 409,413 page views.

She invites the public to contact her at 428-2560. “We are about serving our community,” Watson said. “My staff and I are available for anything the community needs from us.”

Publisher Rick Schneider said he is pleased Watson accepted the position of advertising director. “Monica is local and has experience in every aspect of this business. She knows what it takes to help your business grow and prosper.”


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