Victoria Barber hired as Anchorage Press editor

Victoria Barber

Victoria Barber

The Anchorage Press has hired Victoria Barber to be editor.

Barber has worked for the rural newspaper chain Alaska Newspapers Inc. since 2008. She served as editor of The Dutch Harbor Fisherman, The Arctic Sounder and The Tundra Drums, living in the communities of Kotzebue and Bethel. She has also written for First Alaskans Magazine.

Barber is a 2010 Logan Science Journalism fellow and a finalist for the international Knight Fellowship award at MIT.

Barber is currently editor of The Seward Journal, a new and growing community paper in Seward Alaska.

Barber is a fourth-generation Alaskan born and raised in Anchorage. She attended Steller Secondary School and earned a bachelor’s degree in literature and writing from the University of Victoria in British Columbia.

Before getting her start in newspapers Barber worked with the North Star Group, a government relations consulting firm that represents Alaska interests, including fishing and rural development, in Washington D.C. She has also worked for the Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in Vancouver.

Barber will start at The Anchorage Press Dec. 12, 2011.


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