Intern Dustin Renwick making a difference in Roanoke Rapids, NC

Dustin Renwick
Dustin Renwick

Dustin Renwick came to The Daily Herald in Roanoke Rapids, N.C., as an intern May 21. He performed traditional duties in the beginning — tagging along with reporters at county meetings and shooting pictures for story assignments.

It did not take long to realize Dustin could handle run-of-the-mill work and more detailed, special projects.

He was assigned a Sunday impact piece, which are specialized pieces earmarked for Sunday’s edition weeks in advance. Dustin wrote one that published June 17 about Guardian ad Litem in our area, which is a program of volunteer child advocates that make recommendations during court proceedings in abuse and neglect cases.

“Thanks for the article on the Guardian ad Litem Program,” said Melinda Hardy, GAL District Administrator. “We have gotten lot’s of inquiries about the program since you produced the article and we are hoping that we can train some volunteers from the pool. I’ve received many compliments on that article stating it was ‘really a good article and well written.’ It was a great article and front page news. We appreciate you and The Daily Herald Staff for getting the word out to the public about our program. Again thanks, and I am shooting for a July training class. Keep your fingers crossed.”

In less than a month, Dustin has made an impact in our newsroom, and this most recent story shows his impact in the community we serve.


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