Half Moon Bay writer climbs Kilimanjaro with purpose

Yards with junk

Stacy Trevenon, second from left, in the photo from base camp.

Half Moon Bay Review staff writer Stacy Trevenon may be sleeping in a bit this week and admits to being a little unsteady after the achievement of a lifetime – climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.She is quick to point out that the climb was not merely an amusement. She joined Half Moon Bay, Calif., Rotary Club President John Traversaro in tackling the mountain as a fundraiser for the RotaCare health clinic, which provides health care for the uninsured and underinsured in the region.The club hopes to raise a dollar for all 19,340 feet of the mountain. So far, the group’s efforts have raised $11,131.84 for the clinic.Trevenon did not reach the summit. She and her guide mutually agreed that she had gone far enough at about 17,000 feet.Trevenon wrote a long first-person account of her trip in the Sept. 12 edition of the Review. The story begins:First, a dense rain forest; a symphony of lush green and cries of monkeys in trees overhead. Then, rising hills and sweeping valleys where you pick your steps along narrow paths gouged by rivulets and littered with boulders. Next rises an almost-perpendicular wall of rock, where security lies in toeholds and in a sure brown hand reaching down to you. Then, an eerie moonscape where you pick your way over deceitfully loose slabs of shale.Finally, the summit. One labored step follows another. Ahead looms a luminescent snow-capped mountain, glowing under the full moon.Read the full story on hmbreview.com, beginning Thursday.


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