Half Moon Bay Review Honored Among Top Newspapers

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The Half Moon Bay Review has been honored with third place in the nationwide Local Media Association Newspaper of the Year contest. The contest was for the 2012 calendar year and results were announced Nov. 19.The Review competed in the non-daily, under-10,000 circulation, category among newspapers that have twice the Review’s readership. The Taos News took home first place in the category.

Judges noted all aspects of the Review in announcing the awards.

“The setting may be idyllic Pacific Coast, but the news is anything but soft,” according to anonymous judges’ comments. “Hard looks at development, charges of official misconduct, and rate increases fulfill the watchdog function while the second section covers community affairs, sports and arts. Layout and presentation are extremely well organized with a classic use of typography. Advertising is clean, easy to read, and colorful.”

Such national awards are a point of pride for the Review and there is precedent. In 2006, the Inland Press Foundation named the Review the nation’s top small weekly newspaper.

“The fact that we placed in the top three against competition twice our size is testament to the dedication of the editorial, production and advertising staff,” said Publisher Bill Murray. “We continually look for ways to improve this paper, and I’m extremely proud to be part of this talented group.”


Dan Gibson, former web producer, Named Tucson Weekly editor


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