A 'Frontier Man' for the Frontiersman

Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman advertising sales representative A.J. Seims assumes the character “Frontier Man” in a presentation to the Greater Wasilla Chamber of Commerce in Alaska. Seims created the character, originally named “Moose Jaw” for a series of children’s books and video programming. With the weekly’s director of advertising and marketing, Cheryl Metiva (shown looking on from the podium), he recreated the character as the Frontiersman’s official mascot. Seims has played “Frontier Man” on several occasions, including the newspaper’s float in the Independence Day parade. “This is his character and nobody else has acted it,” Metiva told The Inlander, “and it has really created exposure within the community and helped create our identity and brand awareness.”

Wick Honors Press Crew With Awards


Central design graphic designer receives recognition from Metro Creative Graphics