The Daily Iberian's 2013 Employees of the Year

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"]DI-13 Employees of YearDaily Iberian Teche Life Editor Karma Champagne, and Prepress Technician Keith Delahoussaye were selected The Daily Iberian's 2013 Employees of the Year.Karma is a stalwart of the newsroom, providing all things for our lifestyle section and food page. In addition to the two sections each week, she is responsible for writing and producing four six special sections each year, including our famous Cajun-Creole Cookbook. In addition to handling those publications, she provides the necessary content for her sections, ready to be edited and paginated, before she heads out for a few days R&R. Keith transferred to the Production Department after years as an ad designer/compositor and he's doing a great job, maintaining and surpassing his job requirements. He is constantly looking for other opportunities to improve any procedure that will help the company and is backup for several other employees.The Daily Iberian is proud to have excellent employees like Karma and Keith.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


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