Rebecca Bradner named publisher of the Green Valley News and the Sahuarita Sun

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Rebecca Bradner has been named publisher of the Green Valley News and the Sahuarita Sun. She also will be co-publisher of the Santa Cruz Valley Sun.

Bradner brings a wealth of experience on the advertising side of digital and print media with career stops that include the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Monterey (Calif.) County Herald, Pulitzer Community Newspapers in St. Louis, and Tucson.

Bradner said she looks forward to getting involved in the community and meeting with readers and advertisers.

“I am excited to be joining the Green Valley News and Sahuarita Sun,” she said. “Editor Dan Shearer and the rest of the team deliver high-quality newspapers; I am proud to be associated with them. The Wick family and other company executives have dedicated themselves to providing great newspapers in great communities. I am thrilled to join them in this pursuit.”

Bradner has long been known as an industry leader and innovator in advertising and classified ads, especially during challenging times for newspapers across the country. In 2010, she was presented the Charles Horn Memorial Award for outstanding achievements in classified advertising and contributions to her community, her newspaper and the industry.

Bradner, who started April 8, moved to Green Valley from Jacksonville, Fla., with her husband, Scott.

Longtime publisher Pam Mox retired in March after 24 years with the Green Valley News & Sun.



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