Burnes Promoted to Managing Editor of Williston Herald

jerryburnesWe are pleased to announce that Jerry Burnes has been appointed Managing Editor at the Williston Herald. Burnes moved to Williston in July of 2012 from Wilmington, Ill., after completing his master’s degree in communications at Northern Illinois University that May. He has been at the Herald for two years and has most recently served as the Interim Managing Editor.

Burnes said he is honored by the appointment and excited to get started on a large list of enhancements that will bring more relevant, timely and accurate content to our readers.

Please help me in congratulating Jerry on this appointment and wishing him luck in the exciting future we will create at the Williston Herald.

“I’m very honored and grateful to be in this position at the Williston Herald and Wick Communications. Williston has a bright future, and I’m looking forward to sharing Randy Rickman’s vision to make it make even brighter and take our brand to new levels,” Burnes said.


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