Herald/Review Wins State Press Awards

Newsroom, advertising departments net 18 industry awardsPHOENIX — The Sierra Vista Herald’s editorial and advertising departments earned 18 awards, including seven first-place accolades, from the Arizona Newspapers Association 2016 Better Newspapers Contest and Excellence in Advertising competition.The Herald/Review’s newsroom earned second place in the overall General Excellence category among daily newspapers with a circulation under 25,000, as well as first place in the Departmental News and Copy Editing Excellence and Community Service/Journalistic Achievement categories.The editorial department also received a second place award for Editorial Page Excellence and third place award for Best Use of Photography.Individual winners in the newsroom included sports and entertainment editor Steve Stockmar, who took second place for Best Feature Story. Reporter Derek Jordan was awarded third place for Best Sustained Coverage or Series. Photo editor Mark Levy earned both first and second place for Best News Photograph, as well as first and second place for Best Feature Photograph.The Herald/Review’s advertising department took home eight awards among daily newspapers with a circulation under 25,000, including taking first in the Best Paid Ad Series (color), Best Public Notice Section and Best Classified Section categories.Staff also took second in the Best Special Section, Best Online Ad (animated) and Best Pro Bono/Public Service Ad categories.Individual winners included Melanie Sagia, who earned first for Best Classified Section, and Julie Ramirez, who took second for Best Black and White Ad.Editorial and advertising contest entries were judged by the Nevada Press Association.


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