NABUR Journalist Product Manager Work Samples

NABUR logo Community journalism examples from Wick's Neighborhood Assisted Bureau Reporting (NABUR):

Community-Driven Story Idea

By Madeline Happold, Wenatchee World journalist product manager

A Wenatchee (Wash.) NABUR community member's question about open playgrounds and local rules and regulations concerning them during the COVID-19 restrictions led to the creation of an interactive map on NABUR and a story that was reverse-published into the print edition.

View on Wenatchee NABUR (free registration required)Remove fences from around school play equipmentWenatchee playground mapWenatchee World newspaper

Remote School Reopening Video Interview

By Rocky Baier, Green Valley News journalist product managerNo contact? No problem. Rocky and education reporter Jamie Verwys used a virtual video production platform to remotely interview Sahuarita (Ariz.) Unified School District assistant superintendent Brett Bonner about reopening schools during the COVID-19 pandemic, without sacrificing production values.Sahuarita School reopening interview

#PictureYourNABURhood Photo Contest

By Dana Chiueh, Sierra Vista Herald/Review journalist product managerTo encourage stronger visual content within the Sierra Vista (Ariz.) NABUR community, Dana and the newsroom launched a contest where the photos with the most likes received a $25 gift card.

View on Sierra Vista NABUR (free registration required)

#PictureYourNABURhood Photo Contest#PictureYourNABURhood photo

Recruiting Voters for Video Interviews

By Madeline Happold, Wenatchee World journalist product managerThe Wenatchee World recruited NABUR community members in the creation of a video representing a diversity of perspectives and backgrounds.View on Wenatchee NABUR (free registration required)

Hyperlocal Suicide Rate Data Journalism

By Dana Chiueh, Sierra Vista Herald/Review journalist product managerDana and the Herald/Review newsroom put a hyperlocal focus on a subject of great importance during the pandemic by breaking data down to the local community level within Cochise County.Cochise County suicide rates

Sprint/Agile Prototyping and Testing

By Rocky Baier, Green Valley News journalist product manager Rocky guided the NABUR working team through a sprint/agile prototyping activity that allowed us to test a possible fact-checking enhancement to the NABUR posting tool, as well as an interactive quiz during user onboarding to orient users to guidelines. Both concepts received a favorable response from all 20 users involved in remote, in-person usability testing.

Prototype sketch (above) by Alessia Alaimo, Wick digital manager

Fact checker prototype

Interactive prototype (above) by Rocky Baier, Green Valley News journalist product manager

Interactive onboarding quiz prototype

Interactive quiz prototype (above) by Madeline Happold, Wenatchee World journalist product manager

NABUR E-newsletters

Wick NABUR journalist product managers have been using regular e-newsletters as a primary form of engagement on their NABUR platforms.Green Valley NABUR e-newsletterView sample Wenatchee World NABUR e-newsletterView sample Green Valley News NABUR e-newsletter      


Sean Flaherty named publisher at The Wenatchee World


Local Media Association profiles Wick's NABUR project.