Herald website reaches 1 million pageviews in 1 month

Williston Herald website

The Williston Herald Website received 1.1 million pageviews for the month of October

By Jacob Brooks
Williston Herald

With thousands of available jobs, a booming economy and a rush of complex growth issues, Williston, N.D., is a busy place these days. The Williston Herald's website is busy, too. So busy, in fact, that the website received more the 1.1 million pageviews for the month of October — an all time high.

It was the first time in the website's 15-year history to ever reach 1 million pageviews in a month. The previous high was September, with 863,500 views.

With a healthy October dose of controversial stories dealing with rent increase, prostitution and an ever-growing national spotlight on Williston, the website leaped to a total of 1,121,039 pageviews last month, according to statistics from TownNews.com, the company that developed the Herald's website.

A pageview is defined as a hit to any page of a website. One viewer may calculate several pageviews on one trip to the website.

The average pageviews per visitor in October was 3.24, and the average time per visit was 2.72 minutes, according to TownNews.

The website had been averaging more than 600,000 pageviews since January. Pageviews also spiked in October of 2010, when they reached 669,290, up from 507,054 the month before.

The Williston Herald website first reached 500,000 pageviews in one month's time in April 2010, and has been steadily climbing ever since.

The Herald is planning a redesign of the website, which should debut within a few months.

The Williston Herald has also been publishing a newspaper since 1899.


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