Herald circulation manager returns to work after August accident

Jenna Godt

Jenna Godt

By Nick Smith
Williston Herald

Jenna Godt, the Williston Herald circulation manager who was struck by a drunken driver in August, returned to work in October.

Godt, 27, settled back into her role roughly nine weeks after being struck by a vehicle during the early morning hours of Aug. 7.

"It was exciting to come back," Godt said of her first day back. "It was interesting to get back in the groove of things."

Godt suffered fractures to her skull and pelvis as well as three broken vertebrae and numerous cuts and bruises in the accident.

She said she was very lucky with the pace of her recovery.

"I thought I was going to have to do two weeks of psychical therapy," Godt said.
She wound up spending only 10 days in the hospital, the first several in intensive care.

Godt said when it came to the head injuries, she was cleared to return to work soon after the accident.

"The big holdup were the fractures on my pelvis," Godt said.

She said she had to keep her walking to a minimum to avoid further injuries.

Sitting around was another difficult part of the process. She said between her kids, job, and schoolwork on her Master's degree, sitting around was "different".

Godt said she received a lot of support and kind words from family, friends and members of the public during the healing process.

"There was a lot of support in the community. The little things really made a big difference. I'm grateful for their support," Godt said.

Godt thanked everyone that has supported her and looks forward to continuing her day-to-day work at the Herald.

"I like my job and I like the people I work with. I was itching to come back."


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