California legislator notes publisher’s achievements


California Assemblyman Jerry Hill paid a visit to the Half Moon Bay Review office on Jan. 5 and he came bearing a proclamation from the state.

Hill said he wanted to commend outgoing Publisher Debra Hershon for her years of work on the coast and helping to make the Review thrive. Hill pointed out that very few newspaper publishers have such a long run as publisher. Hershon started as an advertising representative 20 years ago before advancing to advertising manager and finally publisher.

Hershon’s last day was Jan. 5. She plans to travel and spend time with her grandchildren.

During his presentation, Hill noted that being a small-town publisher is a fulltime job. The framed proclamation, adorned with the state seal, includes mention of the range of Hershon’s duties through the years, from delivering the paper to serving on local civic boards.

Longtime area resident and Review design director Bill Murray has already begun his work as the newspaper’s new publisher.


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