Congresswoman Eshoo visits Half Moon Bay Review

photo by Charles Russo / Review

U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo took time out of her busy schedule to check in with the staff of the Half Moon Bay Review on April 5. When the congresswoman’s staff suggested she come and visit the newspaper’s editorial board, Editor Clay Lambert instead offered her the chance to meet the entire staff as part of the newspaper’s regular “brown bag Thursday” sessions.

Eshoo, a democrat who serves most of Silicon Valley in California’s 14th Congressional District, touched on a wide range of topics in her 45-minute visit. She spoke of the gridlock in Washington between Republicans and Democrats, her frustration with plans for high-speed rail through California and the fact that she was saddened to hear of the city of Half Moon Bay’s financial plight.

Eshoo has a long history with Half Moon Bay Review readers. She was first elected to serve them, as part of the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, in 1982. Her relaxed off-the-record visit with Review staff came despite recent changes in district boundaries that leaves Half Moon Bay out of her congressional district.

The brown bag lunches in the Review offices have been a big hit. The local fire chief and school superintendent have also shared lunch with the staff and many more sessions with newsmakers are scheduled.


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