Four first place awards lead St. Tammany News honors

 6549-Award-winning staff members of the St. Tammany News News-Banner and Slidell Sentry-News are, from left, Suzanne LeBreton, Mike Pervel and Sheila Allemand. (Staff Photo by Debbie Glover)

By Debbie Glover
St. Tammany News

Four first-place awards lead the list of 12 awards won by the St. Tammany News this weekend at the Louisiana Press Association convention.

The paper received the following first-place awards:
• Best editorial page;
• Best news story by Suzanne Le Breton titled “House Leveled” from March 11 about the tornadoes last March;
• Best sports story by Mike Pervel titled “Believe,” dated Feb. 27, about Northlake Christian School’s soccer state championship; and
• Best retailer ad by Sheila Allemand for an ad for St. Tammany Marine, dated July 24.

Second-place awards included best front page; best single editorial by Erik Sanzenbach; best headline by Chad Hebert; and best advertising idea or promotion, Sheila Allemand.

Le Breton also won third place in the best news story category for a story titled “Boater Recalls Night” published on March 16; Chris Kinkaid won third in the best sports story category for a story titled “Heavy Lifting,” and published July 24; and Sheila Alleman won a third place for staff generated color ad for Southside Café that ran April 22.

The staff also won a third place for Best News Coverage.

The paper competes in the Better Newspaper Competition division of newspapers published two to four times a week. There are 12 divisions of competition ranging from dailies of more than 50,000 in circulation, Division 1, to weekly free papers, Division 12. Only the first eight divisions are eligible for the Better Newspaper Competition awards and can be called the “Newspaper of the Year” in their division.


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