Employees enjoy Argus Observer BBQ

Monica Watson
Argus barbecue: Employees at the Argus Observer go through the line, filling their plates with scalloped potatoes, salad, a roll and a barbecued ribeye steak. Employees were treated to the barbecue as a celebration for winning the circulation blitz in May.

Monica Watson
Argus barbecue 2: Employees at the Argus Observer in Ontario, OR, enjoy their lunch hour Friday, June 29, with conversation and a barbecue ribeye steak lunch, compliments of the circulation department. Employees were treated to the barbecue for the circulation department’s successful circulation blitz in May, in which the Argus brought in 77 new, pre-paid subscriptions.

Employees at the Argus Observer in Ontario, OR enjoyed a barbecue ribeye steak lunch complete with salad and scalloped potatoes on Friday, June 29. The lunch was a celebration of the Argus’ successful circulation blitz in May.

The blitz was set up to bring in new, pre-paid subscriptions for each newspaper in Wick Communications. The Argus Observer accumulated 77 new, pre-paid subscriptions to the newspaper during the event. The Independent-Enterprise in Payette, Idaho, added 31 new, pre-paid subscriptions.

Argus Circulation Manager Joe Rodriguez said he department chose to “share the wealth” with the remainder of the Argus employees and the money to hosts the barbecue.

“It was a team effort,” Rodriguez said about winning the blitz.


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