Review receives nationwide honors

HMB staff(web)The Half Moon Bay Review received honorable mention in the nationwide Local Media Association 2013 Newspaper of the Year contest.The Wick Communications newspaper competed in the non-daily, under 10,000 circulation class, meaning many of its peers feature significantly larger readership and staffs. The Taos News, Taos, N.M., took first place, followed by the Jackson Hole News and Guide, Jackson, Wyo., and the Payson Roundup, Payson, Ariz. The newspapers were judged on editorial work, typography and the quality of their advertising.“Good writing throughout and a good editorial page,” judges wrote of the Review, in the release accompanying news of the winners. “Overall, a very good newspaper.” Judges also noted creative layout, good photography, fine special sections and well-done local ads.


Joe Richter to retire from the Wick board of directors


Review lends photo to Indian-American newspaper