The Daily Herald celebrates 100 years

Several textile mills had stable operations in the area creating an impetus for long-term development. In 17 years since the founding of the town, it had grown to a population of more than 2,000. Even the nearby village of Rosemary had seen growth around its Rosemary Mill.Roanoke Rapids boasted numerous stores downtown and a new city hospital on Hamilton Street.J.T. Stainback, believing the progressive community needed a newspaper, established a new weekly and located it in a new building at the intersection of Third Street and Roanoke Avenue. The first issue of the Roanoke Rapids Herald was published on April 3, 1914.Thursday, April 3 marks 100 years The Daily Herald has served this area as the leading source of news, advertising and community information.It’s hard to imagine — a century. Ten decades. More than 20,000 issues written, printed and delivered to area residents, first as a weekly and then as a daily.We’re proud of this newspaper’s history and feel it’s appropriate to recognize this milestone. So, beginning Thursday and for the remainder of this year, you’ll see the 100 years featured as part of the newspaper’s nameplate on the front page.But we’re saving the really big celebration for July 24. Why that date and not April 3? Well, there is no historical significance to July 24 as far as The Daily Herald is concerned. But since we had a few other projects already set for April, we thought a later date would allow us to throw a bigger and better birthday party.The extra time will also allow us to put together a very special commemorative issue for the celebration with more history of The Daily Herald as well as some of the major stories featured within its pages over the years.


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